Eric Rasmussen has taught high school English in western Wisconsin for over two decades. At the beginning of his career, he decided to write a novel someday, because he hadn't yet learned that cliches are bad. He is currently seeking representation for his most recent manuscript, a slightly fantastical story about three restaurant owners in northern Wisconsin who invent a lake monster to attract more business. Their plan works, until dead bodies start turning up around the lake. Maybe the monster isn’t as make-believe as they thought.
His other literary accomplishments include earning an MFA from Augsburg University in 2018, and founding the journal Barstow & Grand, a regional publication helping to redefine what "literary community" means in the 21st century. In 2019 he joined the team at Sundog Lit as fiction editor. He likes milk (but not enough to drink it every day), and whenever he sees a shooting star, he panics and wishes for something he already has.